Sunday 9 October 2011

Starbucks - Hastings and Kaslo

Overall Rating 11 of 24

The Starbucks on Hastings and Kaslo. The only one in its area. Interesting fact, it actually used to be a KFC, but that was many years ago. The KFC at the time, like most, was dirty, and disgusting. Due to a lack of everything, it shut down and became the shining gem Starbucks that it is today. So, how did Starbucks do in making this coffee shop, and most importantly its facilities a destination. Lets have a look.

Starbucks is a destination for conversation, first dates, early mornings, students, and blogger's. Which means people spend a considerable amount of time in their shops. As you sit there, nervous on your first date, drinking your venti coffee, the inevitable hits. You need to go to the washroom.

The washrooms are easily located, at the back of the shop. Its a small Starbucks, and usually not to busy, so they are easily visible. You can see the door with the handicap sign on it, so anyone should be able to figure out that the men's and women's are near.

If your in a rush, your lucky as they do not require a key. However, they are single occupancy, so your stuck waiting if someone is already in there. And because again, this is a small shop, there is no comfortable place to wait out of site of everyone else, including your date. So you either have to go and awkwardly sit down while everyone else knows you are waiting to go, or stand against the wall and have that awkward eye contact with the person coming out. If you have to go #2, you may cause a line up, and when you come out everyone will know what you were doing in there, especially when the next guy gags loudly for everyone to hear as he walks in. Good luck with that second date.

Once in, shut the door, and press the button lock on the handle. As with all button locks, make sure it is pressed all the way in. There is a jacket hook on the door that is at an easy to reach level, but not too low that longer winter jackets will touch the floor. The heavy wood door makes you feel safe, and gives a certain level of comfort. The lighting inside is soft and a little on the dim side. It gives off a lounge feel, but without the cocktails or music. You can still see, but it could be brighter, as a bright washroom means nothing to hide.

The men's washroom has the single toilet, with rails for support. The toilet paper is a little far from reach, and makes you have the awkward lean where your rear comes off the seat. There is also only the one roll, so make sure there is stock before starting. They do provide seat covers so your not sharing butt sweat with everyone else, and can also be used as TP in emergency cases. The toilet itself has just the one flush setting, and is strong enough for normal use. If you've had too many Pumpkin Spice Latte's however, two flushes may be required.

Once done doing your business, its time to clean up. You won't find any extra sanitary measures put into place here. Although clean, and shiny, everything is must touch. Single handle tap with good water pressure, and push to release soap. The mirror was nicely angled, and clean. No splash marks on it, or finger prints. There is only the one paper town dispenser, which is not automatic, so you can pull as many as you want out. The large R2D2 black garbage bin is located beside the sink for quick disposal.

If you are going to be sitting down on the toilet, this is the view you will have. Not all that interesting. There is no reading material provided, TV, advertisements, or music. So make sure you bring Angry Birds or Brick Breaker with you when you go in. There is a baby changer, so fathers do not fear!

So, how does this washroom add up? Lets have a look. Remember that these ratings are based upon the time's visited. Ratings,

  • Disgusting
  • Ew
  • Normal
  • Good
  • Wow
  • Better than Home



Key Required 

Paper Towel/Hand Dryer             
Paper Towel

Occupancy Load                          


Toilet Paper                                  

Eco Friendly                                 

Location/Ease of finding          


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