Monday 17 October 2011

Taylor's Crossing - North Vancouver

3 out of 5 Toilets

Taylor's Crossing in North Vancouver is a large Brewpub owned and operated by the Mark James Group (MJG). This large restaurant/bar boasts a heated patio, pub with 2 floors, a large restaurant with bar, HD TVs and projector. Best of all, their craft beer is reasonably priced, and fantastic to drink. As we all know, cheap beer, and lots of people, means scary washrooms. How has Taylor's come to handle the problem of drunken drinkers? Lets have a look.

For such a large restaurant I am actually surprised that Taylor's only has the one washroom each for men and women. However, they are conveniently located in the hallway that connects the pub to the restaurant, which is right beside the pool room. There is small signage leading you to the washrooms, however basic restaurant intuition should lead you right to them.

There are 3 washrooms, men's/women's/handicapped. Make sure you make the right pick and in you go. Upon entering the men's washroom you are greeted but a small counter with 2 sinks and mirror. Lighting is good enough that you can easily do your hair to make sure you look snazzy when you head back out. The standard washroom cleaning agent smells are present here, powerful enough to take out any unpleasant smells you may leave behind. The walls are all white tile, which seem to be power washed because they sparkle and shine. This also helps keep the washroom well lit. Because of the large size and the tiles, the washroom is acoustically loud. So if your talking to friends, or on your phone, everyone else inside will hear you, as well as any lady friends waiting outside. So remember to keep your voice down.

For the gentlemen needing a quick release, 2 urinals are provided in close closed quarters. The one that you see in this photo, and then just to the left around the tiled corner is the other one. Although this does keep peeking at a null, it also provides for awkward backing into each other moments when going for the distance, or just finishing up and turning around into another dude with it half out. I recommend always doing a shoulder check prior to backing up.

Both of these units are auto flush, so no touching is required, always a plus. There are no children height urinals, so kids need to use the toilet. No reading material is provided on the wall, so get used to looking at your reflection in the extremely clean white tiles. This, although making it more boring, does keep turn over rates faster, which on a busy Friday night is more important that catching up on the latest celebrity gossip.

When nature calls a bit larger, there is a wide single corner toilet. There is only one, so please use responsibly. Hand rails provided for the extremely hammered. There are no seat covers here, so give yourself enough time to properly cover the rim with TP. As with the entire washroom, this area was very clean, nothing on the floor, or the walls. If your fairly gassy, remember everyone will hear the echo. The dark mahogany coloured wood provides a upper class barrier from other patrons. There is room for a few people in here, perfect for bringing a lady friend or two for a quick meet and greet. This is where the hand rails along the wall can really come in handy.

The wood barriers go low enough that you don't have to worry about any unwanted attention. However if you really wanted to, you could crawl over the top. There is enough open space in the middle of everything that should the washroom become full, there is ample waiting room without awkwardly bunching up.

The taps are open flow, so you can leave them on as long as you want. Foam soap is provided to the left of both sinks. Against the wall there is a paper towel dispenser, but it is not used. Paper towels are simply placed on the counter in between the sinks. This means fast drying time, and not having to feel bad pumping foot after foot of towel out of a dispenser.

Overall Taylor's washrooms are a clean and well maintained environment. My only quarrel is for such a large business there should be more than one toilet. There is nothing worse than doing the I'm going to crap my pants dance. The floors are kept clean, as are the walls. Unlike their bar you won't find any scratching in the walls or graffiti. Mirrors are crisp, and the smell is pleasant. This is definitely a place to spend a few hours without worry of emptying the tanks.

The Good

  • Clean
  • Pleasant Aroma
  • Multi Person
  • Well lit
  • Abundance of paper towel
  • Stay on taps
  • Urinal auto flush
  • Spacious

The Bad
  • Only 1 toilet
  • Urinals are too close together
  • Not eco friendly
  • No garbage outside door for paper towel disposal
  • Very audible 

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